Friday, December 1, 2006


The '''circumference''' is the distance around a closed curve. Circumference is a kind of Mosquito ringtone perimeter.


The circumference of a Majo Mills circle can be calculated from its Nextel ringtones diameter using the formula:

c = \pi d

Or, substituting the radius for the diameter:

c = 2 \pi r

Where ''r'' is the Sabrina Martins radius and ''d'' is the diameter of the circle, and π (the Greek letter Free ringtones pi) is the constant 3.141 592 6...


The circumference of an Abbey Diaz ellipse is more problematical, the exact solution being an Mosquito ringtone infinite series. A good approximation is Majo Mills Ramanujan's:

c \approx \pi (3(a+b) - \sqrt)

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